Friday, September 27, 2019

Honoring Intuitive Guidance

"Honoring Intuitive Guidance"
by Jamie Allen Bishop

When I hear someone use the word intuition, I know what they're really saying is "psychic", but they're afraid to say it because there can be a stigma around that word - psychic. Honestly, though, where would this world be without our innate intuition... our psychic abilities? I flat out believe we would be in a whole different parallel or universal existence. In fact, people every day are living their lives in that "other" world in front of our own two eyes.

Here's what I mean. I'll use the traffic example.

When we are driving, there are many different experiences we can have. When we are in a space that is not in alignment with our psychic ability, we often find ourselves frustrated, angry, and disheartened by the experience around us. When we are in resonance with the driving experience, the flow of driving is natural and feels relaxing - even in traffic jams.

Try it sometime. Focus your efforts and energy on the outcome you desire. For example, if you're behind a car that's driving slower than you'd like to be driving, but you don't want to be the one to go around the slow car, focus your energy on expecting that car to move over for you to pass. Within minutes at the beginning of your psychic practice (and only seconds once you've had a bit of practice... and then immediately once you truly get the hang of it), you'll notice the vehicle moving graciously out of your way, allowing you to pass. The more gratitude you offer for getting what you want - like thanking that driver for moving over as you pass - the more the universe will comply with your desires.

Thank you lights for all being green on my drive to work today.

Thank you car for moving out of my parking spot just in time for me to pull into it as I drive up to the grocery store today.

Thank you music for keeping me in a happy frame of mind while I dance along to the beat of your tune while I am stuck in traffic, making other drivers around me giddy with my happiness, thus making the commute easier and more gentle to navigate.

Are you getting the picture?

Which driver are you - the one who is congruent with your intuitive experience or the one who is pissed off that everyone is a crappy driver (except you)?

What examples from your own life can you think of when it comes to things that go wrong regularly? What would your life look like if those things didn't happen regularly?

I mean, seriously, imagine life without traffic! Sure, there's still traffic, but the way you mentally manage the traffic game changes so drastically that traffic is almost a FUN part of your day. What would that do to your whole life experience?

Here in Los Angeles, California, it would make one hell of a difference for a whole heck of a lot of people!

Naturally, I have the solution to that problem!

I am an amazing teacher at how to tap into your intuition so you'll KNOW without a doubt that it's working miracles in your life... AND, it will only take 30 minutes of your time... PLUS, you can learn in the privacy of your own home/car... FINALLY, it is completely affordable!!!

HONORING YOUR INTUITION is a 30-minute video program I created to teach you how to tap into your intuitive abilities.

Normally, I charge $200 for this video. Through my BLOG, you can learn these techniques for just $97.

Venmo: @Jamie-A-Bishop

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Toe Reading & Map

"Toe Reading Map"
by Jamie Allen Bishop
(reprinted, originally published in 2013, updated and adapted)

Has anyone ever asked you what you do? I can't tell you how many times I've answered that question (probably with a small smile on my face), knowing the asker's likely response.

"Toe, what? What is that? I've never heard of that."

For those of you who have not heard of toe reading, here's the textbook definition: "toe reading is the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and emotions show up in the shape, direction, and color of our toes." ~K.C.Miller ("Toe Reading: Are You Walking Your Destined Path?")

It is my belief that our toes show us where our subconscious beliefs are holding us back from achieving our goals. That makes our toes a physical map to see what needs to shift to reach our goals.

Pretty incredible, eh!? Maybe even unbelievable.

For example, I like to think of myself as an optimist, and (guaranteed) my toes tell the truth. When my toes bend toward the earth, they indicate fear or resistance, which would make me less than optimistic. Of course, if my toes swoop up too much, that might indicate naivete or the inability to see clearly because of my head always being "in the clouds." Whether my toes show me as a negative thinker or a head in the clouds thinker, both are signs of I am not on track with my life goals.

A toe reader is often a practiced intuitive with messages from Source. The coolest thing about toe reading is that TOES CHANGE! When our thoughts and beliefs change, so do our toes.

The attached image is my version of the Toe Reading Map, adapted from SWIHA/KC Miller's classroom version. I hope it comes in handy for anyone ready to walk down the path to self-awareness.

Another really cool thing about toe reading is that it can be done virtually! A photograph of your toes from the seated position is all a toe reader needs to send you a video of your toe reading.

Curious? Let's chat about it. Feel free to contact me with any questions or follow me on your favorite Social Media platform @JamieAllenBishop.


What Is A Soul Reader (aka Toe Reader)?

"What Is A Sole Reader?"
by Jamie Allen Bishop
(reprinted, originally written in 2013, published with appropriate updates)

I am Jamie Allen Bishop, owner, and Sole Reader at Soul Heart Entertainment, a company providing private party host/esses with spiritual advisor entertainment and in business for more than 13 years

What is a sole reader, you ask? Before I go into those details, I must start from the beginning of my holistic wellness practitioner journey.

I am a Master Toe Reader (MTR). To become a Master at anything requires dedication, perseverance, and practice... all of which takes time. Initially, an MTR takes 100 hours of classroom certification over the course of one to two years. The program I went through was at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in Tempe, Arizona.

Prior to SWIHA, I attended Arizona State University (ASU), also in Tempe, AZ, for two degrees: a BFA in Drawing and an MA in Art Education. I used my art background to create a few businesses, and I taught in an elementary classroom for awhile. Alas, the income in art is fickle, and income teaching is negligible. Being a practical woman with a family, I knew I needed to find a more stable career. I never imagined in 2005, when I was introduced to toe reading, that I had found my career path, my "calling."

Toe reading is the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and emotions (our subconscious belief systems) show up in the way our toes do. There is a science to this practice: each wrinkle, toenail, toe padding, callous, freckle, color, etc. has a meaning. It doesn't matter what your heritage or family background or location is. All meaning shows up with extreme accuracy. And, it is no mistake that the bottom of our foot is referred to as our "sole." What shows up in our sole is akin to what shows up in our soul. Toe reading is a truly AMAZING and unique tool in the holistic wellness industry.

Perhaps toe reading is a commentary on the human condition? Perhaps it is patterning? Perhaps it is nonsense? I suppose the relationship (or connection) between the practitioner and the client is what matters most. In my experience as an MTR, intuitive guidance/perception plays a large role in what makes a toe reading a valuable service.

That intuitive guidance is why I refer to myself as a "Sole Reader."

KC Miller, a co-founder of SWIHA, once said that if she had to do it over again, she would have called Toe ReadingSole Reading. I completely agree.

And, thus, was born the term: Sole Reader.

A sole reader uses intuitive guidance to provide information specific to a client regarding whatever subject is the focus of the toe reading session. Intuitive guidance to me means I ask my angels/guides and my client's guides to be present during a reflexology and/or a toe reading session. I allow myself to be a conduit of love and light, sharing information that might be pertinent to a client's health and happiness.

Toe reading is a wonderful experience and works best when a specific idea/question is present.

For information on pricing and upcoming events, please "Like" us on Facebook: Soul Heart Entertainment. 

May you have a glorious day, each and every moment. 


Monday, September 23, 2019

Want That Client, Wo/Man, Business?

"Want That Client, Wo/Man, Business?"
by Jamie Allen Bishop

Any entertainment talent, no matter who your audience, is a relationship built on trust. Without that trust factor, you simply are not trustworthy. The ONLY way to build trust is to show up and persevere in that showing up. You need to keep showing up constantly and consistently. That's how to develop relationships (and referrals).

​Develop a relationship with your client, your woman or man, the business you want to work for, or the team you want to join. Relationship is the key! 

Thinking back to my first experience with this soft sales thing... this relationship development concept, I remember being a receptionist at an environmental firm. As the "gatekeeper" for the personnel in the back offices, I received sales pitches all day from the best of the best. The line I was told to deliver was to these sales people was this, "We are happy with our current provider," which is exactly what I said to all of them.

​Even Eric. 

​But, Eric came in weekly anyway. He wasn't consistent about a day or time, but every week, once a week, for three months straight... in walked Eric. 

After the first visit when he let me know what he was selling, every time he stopped by, he would ask how my day was going and engage me in conversation about the weather, the Braves ​(I lived in Atlanta at the time), or whatever subject he happened to come across in the Wall Street Journal that day. Eric focused his chit-chatting on whatever subject he thought I might enjoy discussing. He always left his business card so I would remember his name and his company, but he didn't ever talk to me about his business.

That warrants saying again: Eric talked to me about ME, not his business.

​Eric took between 5-and-10 minutes of his week to touch base with me. (That's a doable amount of time for EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world to get what you want.) And, guess what happened? After three months of Eric's visits, I walked my happy ass into the bosses office and told him we needed to hire Eric's company (for office supplies) and fire the company we were "happy" with because if they were even remotely as diligent with maintaining a customer relationship as they were with building one, they would be an incredible company to work with.

We did hire them... this office supply company that Eric represented. And, the engineering company still uses that company for office supplies (25 years later).


​Building a relationship with the people who work at the facilities you want to work for... that's the key to working with them. Finding the people who are the perfect clients... get to know them first. Looking for the perfect mate? Develop that conversational rapport that makes them so excited to see you. The funny thing is it doesn't matter if it's the receptionist or the boss, you just need to build that trust factor with someone, and you'll get noticed! 

I tell my coaching clients, this is the Drip Method. It might be a form of torture for some, but in cold sales, the Drip Method of showing up over and over is literally the only way to develop that trust factor... and a fan for life.

​Keep showing up, and they'll be putty in your hands. And if you can't show up, send someone who represents your company well to do it for you.

​Best of luck!​​​​ And, please, let me know how it goes! I would love to hear your success stories!


Jamie Allen Bishop, MA



Saturday, August 24, 2019

Divine Calling

"Divine Calling"
by Jamie Allen Bishop

Dear Survivor:
If you're alive, you've survived an energetically fucked up few years. There is a major shift in the universe that has been happening for the last three-and-a-half years, and it's going to continue for the next year-and-a-half or so. I'm not exactly sure what has been going on in the cosmos, but there is one thing for sure. If you survived it, you MUST have a divine calling to be here.

You are being called to be here by your divine source. You need to take that calling seriously! Step up to the stall, take life by the horns, and ride that bull like your life depends on it. Because it does. And, by the way, humanity depends on you, too.

Humanity depends on you to stop playing small and start living your life to its full potential. Have you always wanted to be a rock star? Take music lessons. Have you always wanted to sing? Get up on that Karaoke stage. Have you always wanted to climb Mt. Everest? Start training by finding a local hiking club. Are you still working that mundane job that is slowing killing your soul because that's what keeps your mama feeling you are safe? Stop living her dream for you and start living your own dream!

I'm not saying quit your day job to become homeless and deeply in debt, but I am saying there are steps to take that can rock our worlds, stretch us out of our comfort zones, and make us into the people we always hoped we would become (or hoped our children would become for us).

Start living your best life NOW.

     Worry is too much focus on the future.
     Depression is too much focus on the past.
     Happiness is living each moment for NOW.

You can do it.

I have faith in you.

The more people following their dreams and doing what they WANT to do with their lives, the more people who will follow in their footsteps. And, quite frankly, that's the kind of world I prefer to live in... a world where people are doing jobs they are excited about pursuing.

Are you building your own dreams or someone else's dreams?

When is the "right" time to start chasing your dreams?

If you're living after the last few years you've survived, when are you going to go after your divine calling?

Don't know what your divine calling is? Sort of know what you like, but don't know if you'd make a good business owner?

I can help.

Call me today to schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation.

Let's get you on a path to your divine calling. I want that for you. Do you want that for you, too?

Call me now: 480-203-8911

In love and light,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hell on Earth

"Hell on Earth" 
by Jamie Allen Bishop

Written on 7/20/2019

Everyone has their own version of hell on Earth.

I've heard it said in many different ways, "Some have it worse than others."

What does that mean? Honestly, I have to say I completely disagree with that statement.

While it may "look" like one version of someone's hell is worse than another person's version of hell, everyone is going through their own version of hell on earth at any given moment in time while navigating this thing we call life. The phrase, "walk a mile in someone else's shoes," comes to mind.

Here's an example of what I mean.

I have, what may seem to an outside observer, an ideal life. I have a fabulous job that pays very well. I have a loving husband who is devoted to our family. I have an incredible child full of talent and love and a fabulous future. I am healthy. I am intelligent. I have advanced degrees. I have a multitude of certifications. I have friends who care. I have extended family members who love me. I have everything going for me. Right? And, yet, over the past three years, I have suffered dramatic bouts of emotional and physical strain that have brought me to the brink of suicide many, many times.

I speak of these things in the present tense because they are still that fresh in my experience. Though it has been more than four whole months since I've had suicidal ideations, no one except my very close family and friends would have realized exactly what I have been up against these past few years. And, honestly speaking, even some of my "close" family/friends didn't know.

I had been dealing with a vast array of chronic illnesses brought on by extreme amounts of work-related stress as well as a chemically toxic work environment. As if my physical illnesses weren't enough, my birth-father died, my best-friends' husband has a terminal brain tumor, and I have a nephew who was (silently) struggling with two illnesses simultaneously that affects only 2 people in the whole of the world - illnesses that, combined, may have spelled his death as a teen... which brought me back to memories of a wonderful friend from high school who died as a teen in a similar way.

With a work environment of extreme disrespect and immense pressure, and with my self-esteem so low, I read my life insurance policy closely, and seriously considered suicide options that would ease the financial struggles of both my immediate family and my nephew's family. Fortunately, I sought help, worked through it all, and have come through the struggle a stronger and wiser woman.

With first-hand knowledge, I can attest that living with suicidal ideations are a legitimate version of hell on earth.

All-in-all, I feel extremely fortunate to have the support in place that I have. I feel confident that I would be able to call upon any number of people to help me through the times I have recently experienced, which is something not everyone can say. I am grateful to be alive.

While I cannot attest with first-hand knowledge the struggles other people face, stories of their own hell on earth are their crosses to bear. Stories might go like this: being abused or molested; finding oneself homeless; struggling with addiction or mental illness/instability; facing the aftermath of having been assaulted; facing life as a convicted criminal - both before and after being caught; struggling with health (whatever form of health struggles take). My goodness! To say one person's story is "worse" than another person's story is a helluva stone to throw in this glass house called life.

It doesn't matter what the story is. Every story is real to that person, at that moment. The story is all-powerful, all-consuming, and all-knowing. The story is the god, and the god is a vengeful one.

Which version of hell is better or worse than the other? Some may say a child with cancer is worse. Some may say feeling suicidal is worse. Some may say living with addiction is worse. Some may say having been molested is worse. No matter what hell you may be living through, know there are people who care and resources in place to help. Every single person can obtain the information needed, and libraries are the best places to find your local resources.

I do not have any connection to these resources, nor have I verified them. However, here is some information to get you started should you ever find yourself (or someone you love) in need of help.

Much love to you in your life, and whatever hell on earth you might be experiencing.


General Information Resources:

For childhood cancer support:

For suicide and other crisis hotlines in the USA:
Hotline Numbers: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: Text "START" to 741-741
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 or text the word "Trevor" to 1-202-304-1200
Online Resources: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ·

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Introduction Question: What do you do?

Introduction Question: What Do You Do?
By: Jamie Allen Bishop

Do you love (or hate) being asked what you do for a living?

My husband, a pilot, avoids that conversation like the plague. The funny thing is he loves his career with a passion like nobody I've ever met, but he doesn't like talking about it. Truth be known, he doesn't like talking about it with people who don't know what they're talking about.

We must make a good team because I love talking about what I do. I revel in the idea of engaging my audience. To me, it's exciting to answer that sometimes boring question because I never know where my answer will take the conversation - to the inquiring mind, to the deer in the headlights, or to the search for the nearest exit. I excitedly answer (probably with a knowing smirk) using my intriguing, attention-grabbing elevator speech, "I teach women to love their lives through toe reading."

The inevitable response is, "Toe, what?"

The hardest part about being well known as a toe reader is when someone introduces me, especially someone who has not experienced a toe reading (yet). Naturally, s/he makes assumptions, often introducing me by saying something like, "Jamie's a toe reader, you know, like a palm reader" - which (not that there's anything wrong with palm reading) is not remotely similar to what toe reading is all about.

It's funny how people assume without asking or clarifying. Has this ever happened to you? How do you handle it?

I try my best not to correct the person who introduced me because I know they are interested in what I do by the way they introduced me. They wouldn't have said anything about me being a toe reader if they weren't curious. I take it as an invitation to sell my service.

The definition of a toe reader, as described in the first of my 200 hours of Master Toe Reader certification coursework, is as follows: toe reading is the idea that thoughts, feelings, and emotions show up in the shape, direction, and color of toes.

While this definition is the essence of how toe reading can be used as a tool to help our clients, I have learned that toes are a profound way to look at the soul stories we carry. To me, toes show the connection between our conscious thoughts and our subconscious belief systems. The toes paint a very clear picture of how a client's life experiences have led them to where they are today, and the toes illuminate the concept of being "on track" (or not) with one's desires and goals. When we can check in with our toes to make certain our thoughts are in alignment with our goals, we can reach our desired outcome faster and with less challenge.

The attached image is my version of the Toe Reading Map, adapted from SWIHA/KC Miller's classroom version. I hope it comes in handy for anyone ready to walk down the path to self-awareness.

Please feel free to contact me with questions or if you would like to receive a toe reading.

My business, Soul Heart Entertainment: Event Talent Coordination (SHE: ETC), empowers people to live their highest purpose path through holistic entertainment speaking engagements, parties, and events. You can like us on Facebook: Soul Heart Entertainment to see inspirational quotes, fun surveys, and upcoming events.

Jamie Allen Bishop, MA, CR, MTR
Website: Soul Heart Entertainment
Twitter: @JamieABishop

(First published in 2012. Revised and republished 2019.)