Friday, August 20, 2021

Our Words Are Our Wands


“Our Words Are Our Wands”

By Jamie Allen Bishop


There are several books by American author Florence Scovel Shinn (circa 1925) that do a beautiful job illustrating (by the written word) ideas and concepts related to The Law of Attraction. Ms. Shinn’s work is the inspiration for my glorious life and for the title of this article.


If you are unaware of what The Law of Attraction is, consider this BLOG as a smack upside the head requesting you to pay attention to the words you say, as they are the main power you have to live your best life.


If you are aware of what The Law of Attraction is, consider running across this article as a way to solidify your belief in its power. The Law of Attraction is real, and you can choose to allow it to help you create a magical life.



This story begins on a passenger aircraft in July 2021 headed from Phoenix, Arizona, to Burbank, California.


With a golden tan and beautifully coiffed hair that only a hundred hours on the golf course and quality time at the best salon can buy, the Country-Club couple sitting next to me on our way to Burbank were definitely out of their element on the Southwest flight.


With decades of air travel experience under my belt (I am married to a pilot, after all), other than the typical mid-day flight running a few minutes behind schedule and the FAA-mandated mask requirement, the flight began with a normal amount of ease.


Experienced travelers and business-minded folks boarded the 737 Airbus in a speedy manner with all the nervous energy of a new executive making her first big deal. Whereas the more inexperienced travelers, mostly comprised of families headed to a vacation destination, made their way slowly and clumsily with a great deal of excited vitality and awkwardness.


As one of the last travelers on the full aircraft, I was happily expecting and truly blessed to find a window seat (my favorite) mid-aircraft. (I mean, how lucky am I?!) I pulled out my traditional travel cross stitch project and made myself comfortable for the speedy-quick flight.


Because I am more of an extrovert than an introvert (my Myers-Briggs tests always come back with a balanced middle between E and I, erring on the side of E), and because I am also an entrepreneur, I almost always welcome the potential for chit-chat with a stranger. That said, I do not typically start the conversation because I understand that not everyone enjoys chatting on airplanes, and I don’t ever want anyone to feel obligated.


That day my mood was curious to learn more about this interesting couple sitting next to me, so I avoided putting in my earbuds, and I listened for an opportunity to banter, though it didn’t seem likely to come.


With only 45 minutes of anticipated airtime, the Flight Attendants did their safety thing and once we reached cruising altitude, they quickly took drink orders and manually carried them on trays to the passengers. When the flight attendant in charge of our row returned with incorrect drink orders for all three of us (I’d decided to think of the couple as “Muffy” and “Chip”), Muffy made that annoyed sigh I’ve heard other disgruntled people make. She then said something to the air around her that told me about who she was at her core, more than any of the brand name clothing or disenchanted attitude I witnessed from this very posh couple.


“Nothing is easy,” she said.


Without hesitation or thought or second-guessing myself, the “genie voice” inside my head repeated a mantra statement I’ve programmed myself to remember thinking, especially when I say something I need to rephrase because it’s not what I meant to say.


“Your wish is my command,” my inner genie voice chided.


“And so it is,” another inner voice giggled.


“RESET! RESET! RESET!” my third inner voice yelled, then rephrased Muffy’s statement. “Everything good comes easily and naturally to me… and to all those with whom I interact.”


I spent the rest of the flight wondering if Muffy or Chip would interact with me, but alas they did not.


Before we parted ways, I (vibrationally) sent them some extra loving energy.



Bearing witness to this sort of exchange between a stranger and the Universe/God, is a great reminder of all the things I am doing well in this lifetime:

·       I ask Universal Source/God for what I want.

Here’s an example: I am healthy; I am wealthy; I am wise.

·       I am not lucky, but rather intentional because I am thoughtful about the words I use.

·       When I reframe a low vibration statement I hear, it reminds me of how powerfully connected we all are and that my new (higher vibration) statement is 1,000’s of times more powerful than anyone’s low vibration statement.

·       I am humbled by such power.

·       I am reminded, “Holy moly! This magic works!”


Our words are indeed our wands. Use your words wisely, my friends. And, if you need help, I am here for you, and I believe in you!



Jamie Allen Bishop – Life Purpose Coach

Soul Heart Entertainment – Toe Reader Talent

Soul Heart Collaboration – Personal Transformation Retreats


Monday, April 12, 2021

Vomit Marketing

I know someone on social media who shows up extraordinarily consistently with words of wisdom. That's it. Just lovely posts with quotes and an image (also known as memes). Every day over the last two years, I open that social media app just to see what the newest words of wisdom are from her. The funny thing is that the posts aren't even hers. She shares posts she comes across that she enjoys. And, still, I am COMPELLED to do business with her. Over the last year, I've reached out to her on multiple occasions to ask her how I can support her business growth. I have shared her business with colleagues and friends of mine. I have supported her financially by participating in her business pursuits and adventures. I couldn't help myself. Know why? 

She's never sold me a thing! 

Marketing your business is an important part of your entrepreneurial endeavors. It does not surprise me that people who own their own businesses are almost always taking steps to obtain their "piece of the pie" in order to pursue their dreams and reach their goals. What does surprise me, however, is how narcissistic some of them are on their journeys.

And, the truth is, I used to be a narcissistic marketer, too.

I've been in business for well over a decade, and while my business hasn't always been successful for my bank account, it has always been a blessing. I've had great years of financial gain and many years of financial struggle. I've had things run very smoothly and I've had things run incredibly roughly. Let's be honest! As much as the hard times are like a thorn in my foot/sole, I've learned a lot more from the times of struggle than I typically do from the easy times. 

I am ready to change that!

My personal pursuit for 2021 is to find peace in all experiences. 

Before this year began, I engaged in an online training challenge that included well-known, knowledgeable, and successful mentors. Some of the speakers were HUGE names in the industry of entrepreneurial pursuits, including T. Harv Eker, Jesse Eker, Evan Carmichael, Marisa Peer, Yanik Silver, Allison Maslan, Clair Zammit, Eben Pagan, Annie Lalla, Ryan Levesque, Susie Carder, Shaqir Hussyin, Josh Turner, Mark Lack, Jon Talarico, Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, and Jack Canfield. James Mel was the Master of Ceremonies and was brilliant at sharing his knowledge and expertise, too. 

The information was invaluable to anyone in attendance, and if I had come across this event a decade ago, I can't imagine where my business would be today. (I'd probably already have my yacht!) The speakers shared their expertise and were very careful NOT to share their latest package or why you should buy from them. Each presenter was as great as the next. Each coach was a gift to the world. Each of them led by example.

I learned more in that 10-Days than I have in all my certifications and formal education degrees combined. And, so, my experience was truly magnificent. 

One of the group "rules" was to not use the group as a selling platform. Reasonable rule. In fact, it's an extraordinarily reasonable rule since none of the speakers were selling anything, either. 

Many people in the group broke those rules.





It would seem that a large percentage of those participating in the challenge were not there to learn from it, but rather to sell themselves and/or their services. 

Not smart.

That tells me several things about these folks: 

(a) they didn't learn a damn thing; 

(b) they aren't being the example I want to see in the world; 

(c) they don't want to help anyone but themselves; 

(d) they are takers, not givers; and, 

(e) they are not and will never be successful.

And they're not alone.

There are plenty of people who join social media platforms simply to vomit their marketing onto whoever will listen. They'll reach out to you to tell you what you're doing wrong and how you can pay them to... fix it, change it, demolish it, etc. They'll jump onto a live video and try to steal your audience. They'll stab you in the back to get what they want.

And, guess what?! 

I let them.

Know why?

They don't see the big picture (just like I didn't in the beginning). If you are vomit marketing your sales pitch, your reputation will proceed you and you will lose far more than you would gain in pursuit of one sale.

I believe wholeheartedly in Karma: What we give is what we get. 

Our life is a reflection of our karma.

If you like what your life shows you, keep up the great work! 

But, if you don't like what your life is showing you, it's time to face a truth most don't want to admit.

You brought it on yourself. 

Instead of vomit marketing your service, product, or advice, may I recommend you try this instead: offer your clients/audience something of value. Share your knowledge. Share your wisdom. Share your product. Share your glorious self.

Because where you are gifting people with your light, success does find you. The vibration of "currency" can't find its way to the vibration of lack.


If you're looking to raise your vibration, it helps to know your limiting beliefs and to begin shifting them. Getting a toe reading is a great tool for discovering your subconscious beliefs, especially the ones not serving you anymore. Let me know if you would like more information on receiving a personal toe reading, or visit my YouTube channel: