Saturday, August 24, 2019

Divine Calling

"Divine Calling"
by Jamie Allen Bishop

Dear Survivor:
If you're alive, you've survived an energetically fucked up few years. There is a major shift in the universe that has been happening for the last three-and-a-half years, and it's going to continue for the next year-and-a-half or so. I'm not exactly sure what has been going on in the cosmos, but there is one thing for sure. If you survived it, you MUST have a divine calling to be here.

You are being called to be here by your divine source. You need to take that calling seriously! Step up to the stall, take life by the horns, and ride that bull like your life depends on it. Because it does. And, by the way, humanity depends on you, too.

Humanity depends on you to stop playing small and start living your life to its full potential. Have you always wanted to be a rock star? Take music lessons. Have you always wanted to sing? Get up on that Karaoke stage. Have you always wanted to climb Mt. Everest? Start training by finding a local hiking club. Are you still working that mundane job that is slowing killing your soul because that's what keeps your mama feeling you are safe? Stop living her dream for you and start living your own dream!

I'm not saying quit your day job to become homeless and deeply in debt, but I am saying there are steps to take that can rock our worlds, stretch us out of our comfort zones, and make us into the people we always hoped we would become (or hoped our children would become for us).

Start living your best life NOW.

     Worry is too much focus on the future.
     Depression is too much focus on the past.
     Happiness is living each moment for NOW.

You can do it.

I have faith in you.

The more people following their dreams and doing what they WANT to do with their lives, the more people who will follow in their footsteps. And, quite frankly, that's the kind of world I prefer to live in... a world where people are doing jobs they are excited about pursuing.

Are you building your own dreams or someone else's dreams?

When is the "right" time to start chasing your dreams?

If you're living after the last few years you've survived, when are you going to go after your divine calling?

Don't know what your divine calling is? Sort of know what you like, but don't know if you'd make a good business owner?

I can help.

Call me today to schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation.

Let's get you on a path to your divine calling. I want that for you. Do you want that for you, too?

Call me now: 480-203-8911

In love and light,