Friday, September 27, 2019

Honoring Intuitive Guidance

"Honoring Intuitive Guidance"
by Jamie Allen Bishop

When I hear someone use the word intuition, I know what they're really saying is "psychic", but they're afraid to say it because there can be a stigma around that word - psychic. Honestly, though, where would this world be without our innate intuition... our psychic abilities? I flat out believe we would be in a whole different parallel or universal existence. In fact, people every day are living their lives in that "other" world in front of our own two eyes.

Here's what I mean. I'll use the traffic example.

When we are driving, there are many different experiences we can have. When we are in a space that is not in alignment with our psychic ability, we often find ourselves frustrated, angry, and disheartened by the experience around us. When we are in resonance with the driving experience, the flow of driving is natural and feels relaxing - even in traffic jams.

Try it sometime. Focus your efforts and energy on the outcome you desire. For example, if you're behind a car that's driving slower than you'd like to be driving, but you don't want to be the one to go around the slow car, focus your energy on expecting that car to move over for you to pass. Within minutes at the beginning of your psychic practice (and only seconds once you've had a bit of practice... and then immediately once you truly get the hang of it), you'll notice the vehicle moving graciously out of your way, allowing you to pass. The more gratitude you offer for getting what you want - like thanking that driver for moving over as you pass - the more the universe will comply with your desires.

Thank you lights for all being green on my drive to work today.

Thank you car for moving out of my parking spot just in time for me to pull into it as I drive up to the grocery store today.

Thank you music for keeping me in a happy frame of mind while I dance along to the beat of your tune while I am stuck in traffic, making other drivers around me giddy with my happiness, thus making the commute easier and more gentle to navigate.

Are you getting the picture?

Which driver are you - the one who is congruent with your intuitive experience or the one who is pissed off that everyone is a crappy driver (except you)?

What examples from your own life can you think of when it comes to things that go wrong regularly? What would your life look like if those things didn't happen regularly?

I mean, seriously, imagine life without traffic! Sure, there's still traffic, but the way you mentally manage the traffic game changes so drastically that traffic is almost a FUN part of your day. What would that do to your whole life experience?

Here in Los Angeles, California, it would make one hell of a difference for a whole heck of a lot of people!

Naturally, I have the solution to that problem!

I am an amazing teacher at how to tap into your intuition so you'll KNOW without a doubt that it's working miracles in your life... AND, it will only take 30 minutes of your time... PLUS, you can learn in the privacy of your own home/car... FINALLY, it is completely affordable!!!

HONORING YOUR INTUITION is a 30-minute video program I created to teach you how to tap into your intuitive abilities.

Normally, I charge $200 for this video. Through my BLOG, you can learn these techniques for just $97.

Venmo: @Jamie-A-Bishop

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