Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Toe Reading & Map

"Toe Reading Map"
by Jamie Allen Bishop
(reprinted, originally published in 2013, updated and adapted)

Has anyone ever asked you what you do? I can't tell you how many times I've answered that question (probably with a small smile on my face), knowing the asker's likely response.

"Toe, what? What is that? I've never heard of that."

For those of you who have not heard of toe reading, here's the textbook definition: "toe reading is the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and emotions show up in the shape, direction, and color of our toes." ~K.C.Miller ("Toe Reading: Are You Walking Your Destined Path?")

It is my belief that our toes show us where our subconscious beliefs are holding us back from achieving our goals. That makes our toes a physical map to see what needs to shift to reach our goals.

Pretty incredible, eh!? Maybe even unbelievable.

For example, I like to think of myself as an optimist, and (guaranteed) my toes tell the truth. When my toes bend toward the earth, they indicate fear or resistance, which would make me less than optimistic. Of course, if my toes swoop up too much, that might indicate naivete or the inability to see clearly because of my head always being "in the clouds." Whether my toes show me as a negative thinker or a head in the clouds thinker, both are signs of I am not on track with my life goals.

A toe reader is often a practiced intuitive with messages from Source. The coolest thing about toe reading is that TOES CHANGE! When our thoughts and beliefs change, so do our toes.

The attached image is my version of the Toe Reading Map, adapted from SWIHA/KC Miller's classroom version. I hope it comes in handy for anyone ready to walk down the path to self-awareness.

Another really cool thing about toe reading is that it can be done virtually! A photograph of your toes from the seated position is all a toe reader needs to send you a video of your toe reading.

Curious? Let's chat about it. Feel free to contact me with any questions or follow me on your favorite Social Media platform @JamieAllenBishop.


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