Saturday, June 27, 2020

Love Knows No Bounds

"Love Knows No Bounds"
By Jamie Allen Bishop

When a relationship is challenged to its core, there are a great many ways to handle it. Some say, "Oh, hell no! I'm outta here," and walk away. Others may leave, but continue to wallow in the misery of being ditched or deceived or whatever victim syndrome feels good to their soul - familiar, perhaps. Many more stay in the relationship to work it out.

Regardless of the decision to stay or go or float somewhere in between, the relationship with oneself is forever changed. How someone goes about healing after such a core-rocking experience varies. Those who chose to leave may choose to count their blessings and learn to put that experience on their "do not want" list. Those who make the victim-decision might go back and forth between blaming the rat who broke their heart and blaming themselves for driving the bugger away. And those who stay are on a journey of self-discovery that takes a great many twists and turns.

If you believe in the essence of life like I do, you may also believe there are no guarantees. The only real guarantee is change. And, if we do not roll well with change, adapting to new experiences, we are likely to encounter one failure after another.

I chose to stay. I chose to work it out. I chose to question the core values I had that I thought were unwavering. I chose the best path for my family. I chose to believe in my ability to adapt. I chose to believe in me.

As the dynamics of my love life shifted dramatically, I began to put on excess weight, and my weight gain has caused a whole new set of challenges.

Perhaps my weight gain was subconsciously intended to challenge my relationship's depth? (Will someone really love a fat girl?) Perhaps it was to keep other prospects at bay? (If temptation were available, would I - could I - remain committed?) Perhaps it was to allow me the time to heal my heart and feel sexy again? (When I don't feel loved or sexy, sex is not my favorite option.)

And, I don't - feel sexy. I don't like my body right now - and I've always loved my body! I don't recognize myself in the mirror anymore. (Ug!) These are real problems in my life. No matter how much I think I love someone else or want someone else to love me, no one can ever love me the way I love me. And, if I don't love me, my relationship is doomed to fail.

Regardless of the reason for my weight gain, it is time for me to release it. It is time for me to let it go - whatever it is - because now it feels like self-sabotage. Now it feels like an excuse. Now it feels like something I am ready to honor for the journey - perhaps protection - it provided me.

Thank you, extra weight. You did a good job, and I completely appreciate you being there to help me through these changes. I love that you loved me through all the pain. I love that I have learned to love me more fully than I would have ever thought possible. You protected me. You kept me feeling safe. So, thank you.

But extra weight, I'm breaking up with you! I'm taking a stand! It's time for you to go. It's time for you to take leave of my body and allow me the freedom I need to fully adapt to the gorgeous woman I am now. Extra weight, I can handle it from here. I know what I need, what I want, and what makes me happy. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I got this!


Friday, June 12, 2020

Imaginary Friends

"Imaginary Friends" by Jamie Allen Bishop 
(Written 9/26/2014)

Did you know that according to Psychology Today (6/19/2008), more than 65% of children experience an imaginary friend at some point in their lives? That's more than 6 kids out of every 10 in your child's classroom. Assuming this percentage is true, why are grown-ups still afraid?

We have probably all heard the popular acronym of FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. But, have you ever thought about what fear really is?

Fear is dis-ease.

Take that in for a moment: Fear is dis-ease. WoWza! That'll hit home for a lot of you. Am I right?

Fear is a state of being ill-at-ease. If we buy into this idea, perhaps there is a dramatic link between the concept of fear and the diseases of the human body.

When it comes to fear, we all fall victim to its tantalizing ways. In fact, if we look around ourselves - especially this time of year when Halloween is right around the corner - we can see clearly that we are excited by fear. We might even enjoy fear. Fear can make us feel alive. True?

For a child, though, fear is a learned behavior. From what I have read, and through my own experience, it is only when a parent or other caregiver reacts in a fearful manner that a child stops experiencing his/her imaginary friend/s.

It would stand to reason that our brains are open to more experiences when we are young, learning everything we can in as short of time as possible (our survival instinct). For this reason, it would make sense that children are more apt to be open to experiencing other worldly phenomenon than adults. It also makes sense that as children grow up, they grow out of being able to interact with their imaginary friends.

From a spiritual point of view, what we have determined to call imaginary friends might actually be the energy and/or souls of our crossed-over loved ones and angel guides. The potential exists, then, that at least 65% of us already have the innate ability to experience that which is considered other worldly.

Raising a child with this ability, and having been a child who had (and currently has) this ability, I consider it a gift from God.

On the rare occasion I encounter a person who does not think of my ability as a gift, I understand. Because I believe that fear is dis-ease, my understanding of those fear-based souls is that they need lots of extra love and healing in their lives. My understanding doesn't make it easy to be scorned. To get beyond my ego, all I need do is remind myself that the fear is theirs, not mine.

(Thank God!)

Because I also believe in the concept of "what I give is what I get", I send only love and healing energy to those who would scorn or judge me.

How do you handle your child's imaginary friends or other unexplainable spiritual gifts?

My wish for you: may you receive the love and support you need to be a supportive parent with a truly gifted child. Enjoy it. Foster it. Support it. Love it. It's up to you to accept your child for ALL their talents, gifts, and graces.

Want to be a "see'er" like your child? Simply unlearn your fear. Need help letting go of your fear, there are many avenues you can explore. One of them is through working with me, Jamie Allen Bishop.

Here’s to a new vision you can believe in without fear.

#Speaker #Educator #Mentor

Divine Inspiration

"Divine Inspiration" by Jamie A. Bishop

Have you ever been sitting at a restaurant or on an airplane reading a book - when, somehow, you feel like you need to share what you just read with the person sitting next to you or the flight attendant? Have you ever acted on that impulse? 

Today, I did.

Among my circle of influence, acting on that impulse is known as "divine inspiration" - an act I aspire to use often.

I am a person who browses a store until I find (or don't) the one thing that is the answer to my question: How may I serve my highest purpose path today? Inevitably, there's a book or a sign that inspires me. ("Ooohh, Ooohh, pick me!" the item begs.) When I obey this command, miracles happen.

Today was one of those days.

It all began when I dropped off our daughter at school, and I didn't feel like sitting in stopped traffic to return home. With time to spare (such a blessing), I took a path less traveled. I ended up on the other side of town at a Cracker Barrel. (That gift certificate was burning a hole in my pocket, after all!)

I did my thing - browsed through the store with my intention set. The item that practically jumped off the shelf at me was a New York Times Bestseller book titled, "In the Garden of Thoughts" by Dodinsky. I opened it and immediately knew why I needed to read further.

That is, I immediately knew why I thought I needed to read further. Turns out, I needed to share what I was reading with my server.

Linda G. was a lovely, middle-aged woman with her hair done just so (60s bouffant style) and with her make-up on just right (not too much, not too little). She was polite and attentive, but not particularly personable. She took my order as if going through the motions of a day without much focus (a behavior I certainly fall victim to on occasion).

There I was, alone (to a server - alone might be code for "not the ideal tip"), reading my inspirational book with gentle illustrations akin to a child's picture book. When she put my food on the table, she commented, "Is that a children's book?"

I was instantly inspired to share the words I just read.

"Actually, it's an inspirational book. Listen to this, 'The question is not why they don't like you when you are being you. It is why you waste time worrying what they think. If you are not hurting anyone with your actions, keep moving forward with your life'," I shared.

Witnessing this scene, you may have thought I removed a 50-pound weight off Ms. Linda's back. Her whole body became lighter (physically and spiritually), and her demeanor changed dramatically.

She started to cry.

"Thank you, Jesus!" She said. Then she went on to tell me how she asked for His guidance on how to deal with exactly that situation with one of her coworkers. She had head to toe goosebumps (a sign from our angels/guides that we are being given something we asked to receive), and she shared with me how divinely timed my words were to help her through the day.

I sent her a photographic text message of the inspirational page, saying "Any time you doubt yourself, just take a quick look at that little reminder."

She embraced me as I left the restaurant, and repeated the words, "Thank you," as if to drive the point home.

My heart is full. I acted on divine inspiration. A miracle happened.

Yay, personal mission accomplished!

Dodinsky Book Cover
Dodinsky Book Page

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Dearest Reader,

Please let me know if you enjoyed reading this post. Also, I welcome writing suggestions.

#Speaker #Educator #Mentor

Monday, June 1, 2020

My Rocky Couch to 5K Start

"My Rocky Couch to 5K Start"
by Jamie Allen Bishop

Day 1, 5/25/2020: I am officially a "Couch to 5K" member.

According to my iPhone's health app, I am horrified to relay, my average daily steps (for the last three months of Quarantine 2020) are 1,500 per day. (Good gravy!) Believe me, I feel this inactivity in my stiff bones and under-used muscles.

This past weekend (Saturday through Monday), my family and I got out of the house on an overnight trip for our daughter's 15th birthday, and I averaged 7,600 steps a day (10,100; 7,800; 4,900)... even with all the driving. I am pretty proud of myself.

And... I totally biffed it on our final walk to the car over a parking curb I didn't see (Merde!) landing solidly on my knee and both hands (palm-heels). I missed my face by "that" much!

People... this is how powerful the mind is: Upon falling, I decided instantly, "I am perfectly healthy." I remember the flash thought, "I am not going to let fate get in the way of this goal!"

After using hand sanitizer to clean my hands, I knew I was right (no burn at all). On the drive home (hubby drove), I distracted myself by reading an article of interest and watching the counter-argument (to the article) via a YouTube video... distracting me from any pain I might have.

When we arrived home, even though my knee didn't hurt at all (not even a limp while walking to our 3rd-floor apartment), I iced it as a precaution.

Guess what? When I woke up this morning, my knee is completely fine! And, my hands, though a bit sore, didn't even break the skin (and I fell HARD according to both my hubby and our daughter).

A friend and colleague's voice kept echoing in my head around the idea that limiting thoughts are no longer serving me. (Thank you very much, Cheryl Clark, for your amazing support and for being our "Couch to 5K Gang" admin.)

Today, I expect to do the walk/run protocols (on Day 1's list) to play catch up, and I am super excited.

Remember: what I believe is truly my reality! I believe in this goal and in my health.

Fate, step aside! I've got this covered!

Jamie A. Bishop, MA
Mobile: ​480-203-8911