Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Letter to 2020

Dear 2020,

Foundations make or break a project. As a "4" year, you were in charge of creating a foundational experience. While it may not seem like it to some, we were hungry, dare I say starving for a foundation shift in our societies across this planet. Yay! You did it! You shifted us all!

This year has come with a great many shifts - in perspective, in dynamics, and in priorities. Thank you for helping me build a solid and massive foundation for my personal and professional life from which to launch into 2021. Thank you for the close and important time with my family. Thank you for offering me the opportunity to pivot my business for the greater good of all humanity. And, thank you for the life-altering experiences to share with generations to come. We are vibrationally soaring to new heights and it's because you were here to push us out of our comfort zones to reevaluate the trajectory of our lives. You totally amaze me with what you've accomplished in such a short time.

I love what you've done for the world and for me. You have shifted our collective consciousness from disease and struggle to health and prosperity, helping us to move away from ego-centric pride to that of moral humbleness. You have shifted our dynamics from patriarchial to egalitarian, offering us the opportunity to see the world we live in as a whole, not as our small slice of experience. You have shifted our priorities from work-driven to harmonized-focus, providing us the freedom to choose our own reality. No need to listen to the haters, 2020. You know you've done amazing things in this realm and on this earth. I am someone who is extraordinarily grateful to you. You keep on being your badass self! The haters will catch up (eventually). You are loved and appreciated.

Please tell 2021 I am super excited to meet her. I am completely ready to take on all the joy and transformation she has coming our way to create a life where legacy leaves a thriving lifestyle of love and expansion. Every year is a new adventure, and you sure made this one unique, challenging, and memorable, 2020. Kudos!

Here's to another adventure full of love and light in 2021.

Warmly, your friend and change agent,
Jamie Allen Bishop
Soul Heart Entertainment

TOESDAY: Join me live for toe readings every Tuesday from 6:00-6:30 pm PST (California time). Learn what your toes are trying to tell you.

Follow us on Social Media:

Monday, October 26, 2020

I Am Famous!


"I am famous!"

by Jamie Allen Bishop

As an established and world-renowned New York Times best-selling author, I am sitting at a delightful sidewalk cafe on the Piazza delle Signoria in Florence, Italy, on an international book tour. It is delicately breezy with a scent of casual activity in the air. The sun dances among cumulous clouds while the children play near the ever-present and glorious Italian fountains. The temperature could not be more ideal and the company at my table is even more enticing. 

I am with my precious friend, personal assistant, and perky confidant, who is one of the most beautiful souls I know, my lovely friend, Mona, discussing the schedule for the remainder of our travels. Sitting at our table to add spice and texture to every conversation is my book agent and my tour's production guru, Sylvia. Having paid close attention to my needs this trip, she is now working lovingly on convincing me that we are doing so well, we must extend our tour to add a few additional and exciting stops on our journey home to America... just a few extra weeks on the road. As thoughtfully as she maps out our travel schedule, it's impossible to say no to Sylvia. That's one of the things that makes her the best advocate for me and my message, and the main reason I love her - she thinks of everything.

Being a keynote speaker at a variety of conferences with beautiful and enlightened souls across this amazing globe we call Earth, I get to share my viewpoints and vision for humanity, and I live a safe life of appreciation with the beautiful humans who appreciate my candor and direct approach to communicating the messages I am here to share. As mine are messages of love and enlightenment, the people attracted to them are on a path of physical, psychological, and spiritual development that touches my soul profoundly. With each session, I am filled with more hope and joy for the gracious beauty that is defined by our life and experiences. Helping people adjust their vision to see what was always there is a gift I am honored to bestow. In fact, I am humbled by the power and excitement of it all, still amazed that The Universe chose me to be a voice for the greatest good in us all.

My family is here with me, reveling in their own version of the ideal scenario on this trip through Italy. My husband is, no doubt, on a photo safari of his own creation taking incredibly stunning images of the countryside and partaking of the country's complete adoration for biped transportation. Our daughter is with the love of her life, experiencing Italy as only those in love can see her - perfect in all her imperfections and devoted to the history of laughter and community. This is my synopsis of Italy, no matter where we go. We will all meet back at our local estate just before sunset to spend yet another stunning and cherished moment together, another incredibly lovely evening wandering the hillside as we meander arm-in-arm or perhaps enjoying the view from atop our horses, as we all graze through the vineyards and farmland we purchased more than a decade ago. This is a blessed life we lead.

As I write this experience, I am filled with a deep and sensational knowing it is already so. This truth is mine to behold. I need only believe.

So, here's to our beliefs, my friends. Here's to the vision that is within each of us as we journey through this fantastic and magical life. My soul is extraordinarily and forever grateful for your willingness to embrace your soul's desire to shine your love as the beacon of what the feeling of "home" is meant to be.

(I wrote this blog as a way to more completely and fully embrace my desires and to showcase the "how-to" of dreaming yourself a new reality. I welcome you to write out in present-tense what achieving your dream feels like to you. Enjoy every luscious moment of the dream, as that is how we create our reality, my loves.)

Here's to bringing our dreams to the present moment right now.


Jamie Allen Bishop

Soul Heart Entertainment


Join me for live toe readings every Tuesday (#ToesDay) on Facebook via Soul Heart Entertainment at 6:00 pm California time.

Let's connect via Social Media:











Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Algorithm of Destiny


"The Algorithm of Destiny"

by Jamie Allen Bishop

(Originally published to https://soulheartentertainment.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-algorithm-of-destiny.html)

The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics Parallel Universes theories are much like the algorithms on social media. They all connect us with the things we are focused upon. Another way to say it is that my daily life reflects my focus. Other buzz phrases might be "resonates with me" or "good vibes" or "gives me goosebumps." All those words and phrases are about the things that make sense to us, things that we are focused upon. 

If I focus on the beauty in someone, or their kindness, or their example, I will surely get more of it. If I focus on the flaws in someone, bet that I'll see more of their flaws.  

The trick to changing anything in life is FOCUS.

It may sound too simple to be true, but the truth often is simple. What we focus on is what we get more of in life. 

This idea has been quoted in various ways by some of the 20th century's greatest motivational and inspirational gurus, including Michael Beckwith, Rhonda Byrne, T. Harv Eker, Abraham Hicks, James Redfield, Tony Robbins, Florence Scovel Shinn, and Brian Tracy, to name a few (though I am certain there are many, many more who have been given credit for sharing this valuable concept). When I am in gratitude for what I experience, I get more gratitude-worthy experiences.


"The more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for." #RhondaByrneQuotes


Catherine Ponder is quoted as having said, "One positive statement of good is more powerful than a 1,000 negative thoughts, and two positive statements are more powerful than 10,000 negative thoughts." What that means to those of us focusing on becoming more positive in our lives, is that when we have a negative thought, recognizing it is the first step to freedom from it. Shifting our awareness from negative subconscious thoughts that keep us stuck to those thoughts/beliefs with positive thoughts allows us to shift our energetic vibrations (known as the Law of Attraction) in an instantaneous and harmonious way.


The first step on the road to true, soul-centered success is to understand our vibrational resonance. If there is something you do not like about your life or something you want more of (or less of), change is necessary. Your current life is a reflection of what you've done thus far without assistance. With help, energy and focus shifts to bring you what you want WAY FASTER than any of us can do on our own. In shifting perspective and focus, you may find that a brighter, happier, and wealthier life was there all along, you simply needed to focus on it. Or, perhaps the shift is bigger than that. Perhaps you need a much bigger shift. In that case, finding the right help is the first step.

I retell a story I heard long ago that helped me make sense of the Law of Attraction and the parallel universe theory. The story is of a sea captain who arrived on a native occupied island. Leaving his ship anchored just offshore, and using rowboats to get to the island, the natives greeted the passengers with excitement and confusion over how they arrived from the great wide ocean in rowboats. The Captain spoke with the Chief, explaining that there was a grand ship anchored just offshore. Having never seen a ship, the Chief was unable to see it until the Captain described the ship in words the Chief understood. Only then, with his new awareness, did the ship appear before his eyes as if by magic.

This story beautifully illustrates what I mean by vibrating at the same frequency and asking for help to get there. If you are not vibrating at a frequency of the destined path you know you're meant to pursue, you need someone who can metaphorically "see it" to help you see it, too. 

There are so many incredible helpers in our world. They show up in serendipitous ways. But their presence is no accident. If we have called upon our God/angel guides for a vibrational "upgrade" to our current circumstances (perhaps we are poor and wish to gain financial success), the Universe our God will set in motion all the things we need to accomplish our wish... including helpers. 

Here's to getting (attracting, and vibrating with) whatever beautiful experience your heart desires.


Jamie Allen Bishop

Owner, Transformational Life Coach, and Master Toe Reader

​Soul Heart Entertainment 

Join me for LIVE toe readings every Tuesday (#ToesDay) on Facebook via Soul Heart Entertainment page from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm California time.

Follow me on Social Media:











Monday, September 7, 2020

Divine Purpose and the Law of Attraction

"To attain great things, I must experience the Law of Attraction through my Divine Purpose." #JamieAllenBishopQuotes

"Divine Purpose and the Law of Attraction"

by Jamie Allen Bishop

(Originally published on September 7, 2020, to https://soulheartentertainment.blogspot.com/2020/09/divine-purpose-and-law-of-attraction.html)


This weekend, Labor Day Weekend here in the United States of America is always my birthday weekend. In the traditional office job setting here in America, this is also a three-day weekend. There are many options on how to spend my time. I might choose to travel with my friends. I might choose to work. I might choose to spend it alone. The choices are plentiful and all of them are lovely. I am blessed with a deep love for all these things: a loving family, amazing friends, lovely alone time, beautiful travel experiences, and a captivating career. This year, in 2020, I chose to spend my birthday with my family.


My family and I did not do anything terribly exciting. We played cards. We did puzzles. We played board games. We cooked. We drank. We watched TV. We sat through a movie. We took photos and videos. We talked about our past. We discussed our future. We were hard on each other. We were loving toward each other. We had philosophical discussions on differing opinions. We spent time together. Overall, it was a somewhat typical experience visiting my family. 


And, I loved every minute of it.


One of the important discussions I had this weekend centered around success principles, our Divine Purpose, and the Law of Attraction. The debate was with a family member relatively new to studying the philosophies behind the Law of Attraction, and the gripe was with the metaphysical gurus in that they avoid discussing why "bad people" who do "bad things" attract to themselves a great deal of financial wealth and power through "bad means." The question was this, "Why - if the Law of Attraction is based on the principles of energy - do bad people gain a great deal of wealth?"


This is a great and important question! While I feel we each must draw our own conclusions, I do have an answer that works well for me.


Financial prosperity and the power it gains is not the same as wealth. Ill-gotten financial gain and power is not prosperity. Money alone is not wealth. If I have to constantly look over my shoulder, not trust anyone with my truth (or money), be in constant fear for my life or for the life of my loved ones, or if I have to lie, cheat, steal, harm, or kill my way to financial gain, I am not truly wealthy, am I? Plus, it is my belief and experience that corrupt money and power is always fleeting. That said, I also believe the Law of Attraction is always working.



To me, wealth is more than money and power. To me, wealth is my experience this past weekend. To me, time freedom to take a trip on my birthday weekend is wealth. To me, being connected with people who love and respect each other, no matter what their belief differences are, is a wonderful example of a wealthy life. To me, pursuing excellence within myself and experiencing a reflection of that excellence in the world around me is wealth.


Your next question might be about gaining financial wealth. Do I want to attract to my experience more financial prosperity? YES! Do I want to attract financial prosperity in a way that lifts others in the process? YES! Of course, I do.


This is where Divine Purpose in conjunction with the Law of Attraction comes into play.


If I focus my perspective on those who gain financial wealth through chaos, mayhem, and deceit, guess what experience I will attract. Yep! All sorts of examples to prove my belief correct - ways in which financial wealth comes through deceitful and chaotic means. If I am the chaos, mayhem, and deceit creator, while I may gain wealth and power, I will also attract the chaos, mayhem, and deceit I put into the world back into my own experience. (Think gangs and mobsters.)


If I focus my perspective on those who gain financial wealth through serving (my view of) the greater good of humankind, I attract to my experience the people, events, and things that are in alignment with what I believe to be true. If my own financial gain is legitimately founded through positive intentions and love for my fellow human, I will experience a life filled with the same – positive intentions and love. (Think Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.)


Therein lies the Law of Attraction challenge: we have free will.


The Law of Attraction does not distinguish between what is "good" or "bad", only that the means through which we gain our desires will come back to us. (Think karma.) It may not be in the timeframe you define as desirable, but karma always works, too, because karma’s foundation is the Law of Attraction.


I do not believe in what Adolf Hitler believed, but Hitler absolutely believed himself to be correct and justified in his acts. The proof that the Law of Attraction is always working is in Hitler's own death and in the legacy he left behind. What he put out into his world, he received back to himself - an untimely death and a permanent place on the world history villain's list. Obviously, his own death does not absolve him of the millions of lives he and his regime took.


My point about the Law of Attraction is that the power of it is in the eye of the beholder: you get what you give.


When I follow my Divine Purpose using the Law of Attraction and share my knowledge, living authentically, truthfully, and whole-heartedly in service, I receive what I want faster and in a harmonious way. When I am in a constant state of gratitude and I consistently add to my education in order to express my truth for the greater good of all, I gain clients who are a pleasure to work with and who will pay me well for my insight. By treating others the way I wish to be treated; by tapping into Source and speaking from a place of wisdom, I attract the coworkers and the events that align with my bliss for wealth and abundance.


Does living my Divine Purpose mean I will never face obstacles? No. However, it does mean I will likely react differently to the challenges I face than someone who is not living in alignment with their Divine Purpose might. It means I will look for the lesson and adjust my behavior or beliefs. It definitely means I will experience a far less "bumpy" road than someone else might under the same or similar circumstances.


Law of Attraction is always working. You are in charge of your experience. If you choose to see a blessing where there is also a curse, and you focus on the blessing… releasing the energy from the curse, you will experience a life full of blessings.


Try it. Live it. Love it. Here’s to your Divine Purpose and creating a Law of Attraction experience that propels you into the life you know is your destiny.


If you have trouble figuring out “how” to implement any of these strategies on your own, I can help you hire a coach to help. What are you waiting for? How long are you willing to wait – another week, month, or year? Finding you a great coach is an area I thrive in knowing. And, you pay nothing for my recommendation service (the coach you hire does). Contact me to connect you with the coach of your dreams today. If you’re interested in working with me directly, visit my website.


Jamie Allen Bishop

Soul Heart Entertainment

BLOG: https://soulheartentertainment.blogspot.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulHeartEntertainment/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulheartentertainment/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamieallenbishop/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jamieabishop/

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/soulheartentertainment

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoulHeartEnter1

Website: http://www.soulheartentertainment.com/

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/JamieAllenBishopSoleReader

Monday, August 31, 2020

Happy Birthday (month) to me!


Happy birthday to me, and happy un-birthday to you!

Yippie! September is my birthday month, and I'm gifting YOU with 50% OFF virtual toe readings (all levels, individual sessions). This offer is good for gift certificates, too.


HURRY! This offer is limited to the first 50 purchasers. This offer expires on September 30, 2020 (or when it’s sold out, whichever comes first). This is the LAST DISCOUNT offer Soul Heart Entertainment will be making.


Here are the discount prices, only available for individual sessions:

* Level 1 (Beginner) Virtual Toe Reading (about 30 minutes): ONLY $47 (usually $100)

* Level 2 (Intermediate) Virtual Toe Reading (about 60 minutes): ONLY $97 (usually $200)

* Level 3 (Comprehensive) Virtual Toe Reading (about 90 minutes): ONLY $147 (usually $300)



Jamie Allen Bishop, M.A., MTC, CR

Soul Heart Entertainment: Event Talent Coordination


BLOG: https://soulheartentertainment.blogspot.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulHeartEntertainment/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulheartentertainment/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamieallenbishop/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jamieabishop/

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/soulheartentertainment

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoulHeartEnter1

Website: http://www.soulheartentertainment.com/

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/JamieAllenBishopSoleReader








“Ants move mountains one grain of sand at a time.  Micro-movements toward a goal is progress in the right direction. Give yourself credit!” ~Jamie Allen Bishop



by Jamie Allen Bishop

Soul Heart Entertainment


So, you want to reach a big goal quickly? Feeling like you have imposter syndrome? Telling yourself you can’t or won’t make it happen?


This article focuses on the energy behind accomplishing big goals. I will map out necessary steps and offer examples from my own experience on how to take action.


“Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill


Harvard Business Review (May 2008) defined Imposter Syndrome as “a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. 'Imposters' suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.”


With more than 30 years of career, personal, and education experience behind me, I see Imposter Syndrome as a fancy way of saying you’re not fully committed to the timeline you’ve set for yourself. Having a syndrome title to call it is a psychological copout, allowing you an excuse to not finish what you’ve started in a timely manner.


Be the hero in your own story. Stop settling for status quo, mediocrity, and excuses! Push yourself past your comfort zone and (in the infamous words of Larry the Cable Guy), “Git ‘er done!”


Step 1: Celebrate YOU! It may seem silly to you, but the first thing to do when setting big goals for yourself is to celebrate YOU and your decision to set and achieve a big goal. Setting big goals and following steps to achieve those goals is a wonderful undertaking. When we set goals, our intention is often to step outside our comfort zone and accomplish something many others never motivate themselves to accomplish. It means you are wanting something greater for yourself, and you are setting the example for those around you. In brain chemistry, pursuing big goals is akin to taking big risks, and while our brain wants to keep us safe, the best thing we could possibly do for our longevity and vitality is to ignore the lackadaisical compliance of daily routines that no longer serve our soul’s journey. Getting out of our comfort zone to achieve challenges is so important, in fact, that our bodies create dis-ease wherever we are not pursuing excellence. (If you don’t own Louise Hay’s book, “You Can Heal Your Life,” it’s time to purchase a copy for yourself… today!) So, celebrate your decision and commitment to stepping up, stepping on, and stepping out into the greatness that you know you are destined to achieve.


Step 2: Get Yourself An Accountability Partner. For me, this is a critical component for accomplishing any goal. Honestly, this is an absolute must for those of you who want more than you already have. Get yourself an accountability partner. You'll need someone who will be brutally honest with you, and yet sensitively caring about holding your feet to the fire and calling you on your stops (a.k.a. excuses).


(a) Pay A Life Coach: A coach can be a great person to hire to hold you accountable, and while all coaches are not of the same caliber, there are many who have very affordable accountability programs. The benefit of hiring someone is they are typically emotionally removed enough from your goal and from the blocks you have to achieving it. They are likely people who have "been there, done that" when it comes to every trick in the procrastination book, so they'll recognize those stops in you, call you on them, and help you get unstuck and on your way to the greatness you desire.

(b) Find A Friend: If hiring a coach isn’t in your vision, look for someone in your circle of influence (or maybe just outside that circle) who might desire an accountability partner, too. This person will have a goal they wish to achieve in a similar time frame. They'll have a solid desire to achieve their goal, and they'll be your cheerleader as you make progress, too. The time frame of goal achievement is more important than having similar goals. In fact, sometimes the goal being extremely different serves you both better, as you are less likely to get caught up in comparing your progress with each other.


Step 3: Know Your WHY & Write It Down! In fact, place it somewhere you will look multiple times a day. For example, my personal and professional why is on my keyboard because that's where I tend to spend a large portion of my day, allowing me to glance at it several times a day. It keeps me focused on the task at hand because it strums my heartstrings to think about it.


Make your why really meaningful. A financial or fiscal reason is never going to keep you (nor anyone you know) happily on task. Your why needs to be about what accomplishing the goal means to you. For example, my personal and professional why is to change the vibrational frequency of the world I experience, one soul at a time. For me, that means that my personal experience on this earth is filled with blessings, happiness, freedom, and love. I accomplish this goal in every moment of my day by remaining in a state of intentional gratitude about everything life throws my way. Because my goal brings to me amazingly wonderful encounters, most people who interact with me have similar experiences, thus raising the vibration of everyone's day.


A solid why is the most important thing in a person's emotional toolbox to help them avoid and overcome pitfalls on the road to success in achieving any goal. I don’t think there’s a coach out there who would guide you away from creating a super big why.


Here is an example of the difference between an unsuccessful why and a successful why.

Unsuccessful why: I want to be healthier.

Successful why: I want to live a long, happy, and independent life while I grow into the healthy, clear-minded older version of myself so my daughter can have a good example of how to accomplish the same for herself.


Make sure your why is big enough to help you choose the fruit or veggies over the bread or potatoes every time you need to make that decision.


Step 4: Write Down Steps. Write down what you need to do to achieve your goal. Writing is a necessary way to get thoughts out of your head and into your reality. Without writing it down, goals and the steps to achieve them will take longer to achieve. If the time it may take to accomplish a goal is important to you, it can be truly miraculous how much writing things down will help. Step 3 step has two parts:

(a) Macro Steps: Write the big steps/actions you need to take to achieve your goal. This is so important!!! Your brain releases a hormone of accomplishment each time you cross something off your list or check it as complete. Those hormones are the same ones released when you feel extremely good about something. Those hormones are what a great many people are looking for more of in their lives because they only do good to your body and they often come with fabulous memories. Plus, if you do not have a plan of action including steps to take to create movement toward your goal, accomplishing your goal will take sssoooo much longer to complete. Without a checklist of things that need to be done, you are likely to keep putting your goal on the back burner of your life, as chaos and mayhem will always take priority. You’ll continue to survive instead of thrive. Want to start thriving? Write your action steps down.

(b) Micro-Movements: Now that you have big picture steps on paper, break those plans down into micro-movements. For example, say I want to lose weight. Macro actions I can take are to eat right and move every single day. Micro movements to achieve that goal are to create a realistic daily menu for myself (and my family) and to map out a viable movement routine. Once I know my micro-movements, I can delegate some of the responsibility of accomplishing my goal to my friends/family – like grocery shopping or cooking.


Step 5: Set Deadlines. Now that you have your big steps and micro-movements to achieve your goal, backtrack from when you want to have your goal finalized in order to enter due dates for the Macro and Micro tasks. 

For example, as a solopreneur, if I want to map out my social media schedule for next year by the end of the third quarter (end of September), I follow these steps:

(a) Determine monthly themes – due September 1;

(b) Create subcategories for specific weekly focus topics – due September 3;

(c) Dawn a daily post agenda – due September 8;

(d) Design business memes – due September 25; and

(e) Schedule posts – due September 30.


Naturally, some steps are easy and quick while others may require time and effort. When I have a deadline to meet, I am more likely to stick to and achieve something new. Plus, now I have a list of tasks and due dates to offer my accountability partner, who can then hold me to those timelines. Lastly, seeing the list, I can better delegate some tasks with due dates to a helper. Maybe I reach out to the local college for an entrepreneur business student interested in an unpaid internship? Maybe I pay my teen to gather quotes for me? Maybe I ask my hubby to take inspiring photos I can use? Without a written process to achieve my goal and dates those goals are due, I may never reach out to the college, hire my daughter, or get my hubby to follow through with a photo safari. Without a written process, my brain chemistry is on autopilot (a.k.a. survival mode), keeping me stuck putting out the “fires” that suddenly appear in my life in lieu of living the thriving life I know I am meant to live.


If I get through Step 5, I am ten times more likely to reach my goal within the expected timeline.


Step 6: Reward yourself! There’s a reason most employers and home-based businesses have goal rewards in place. Rewards can be strong motivators for getting stuff done.


As you accomplish your tasks to reach your goals, it’s important to (a) reward yourself; and (b) know ahead of time what your reward will be. When our minds or bodies want to avoid the task at hand, a worthy reward can make a huge difference.


For example, if I set a daily calorie count of negative 1,200 calories and I’ve achieved that goal, perhaps I get to spend an hour or two doing something I love to do - cross-stitching, watching my favorite movie, putting a puzzle together, etc. If I accomplish every task on my list for a few days in a row, perhaps I gift myself an hour or two of uninterrupted “ME” time (bath time, hanging with a friend, book reading time, etc.). If I accomplish a week of remaining on task and on track, perhaps I get to buy myself something I’ve been wanting (a new blouse, a facial, a massage). Chose rewards that speak to your heart, motivate you, and (most importantly) that you deny yourself unless you achieve your goal. Maybe the super big reward for once you've accomplished the whole project is to go on a trip with your family. Maybe it's a day trip. Maybe it's an overnight trip. Regardless of what your rewards are, get some set in place for milestones on your way to achieving the goal you've devoted your time to accomplish. You deserve it!


Step 7: Have A Grateful Heart. Every moment of task completion toward achieving a goal, even in those moments where you may not measure up to your written timeline expectations, remember to be in a grateful state of mind. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational frequencies we can express, and when we are in vibrational alignment with the highest frequencies (love, joy, gratitude, peace), we are well on our way to attracting magical experiences into our lives.


For example, if your brain (or another familial voice in your head) nags you about falling behind on your daily tasks, you might write a note to yourself or say aloud, “Thank you, my sweet brain, for the kind reminder of how important achieving this goal is to me.”

To help me from getting into that snarky sense of humor I sometimes manifest or from beating myself up for not getting something done, I imagine my brain (or the voice in my head) as a cartoon character with a beautifully happy face giving me a high-five for remembering to turn something that could be a negative experience into a learning/more positive one.


My go-to trick for staying focused on a task at hand is to listen to audio recordings that help with concentration. There are a plethora of these frequency sound baths to choose from on many apps and stations out there. If you wish to access the audio I play, my channel – Jamie Allen Bishop Sole Reader - has a public playlist called, “Soul Symphony,” with a variety of music specifically designed to help with vibrational alignment.


If you feel overwhelmed with this list of steps, there are two quotes that come to mind. One, remember, “Overwhelm is a misperception of abundance,” and two, “Ants move mountains one grain of sand at a time.” 

Praise yourself for progress. Pat yourself on the back for new awareness. Listen for and act on divine guidance (different people you know telling you something three times or more, books jumping off shelves at you, overhearing conversations with meaningful information, etc.). Your expectation of yourself is the only real critic you have. Outside opinions are simply the people we love trying to keep us safe. Unrealistic expectations of ourselves are what can rock our world and shake us off our path to achieving a worthy goal. 

Make the plan, stay the course, praise yourself, reward yourself, and you, too, can move mountains!



Jamie Allen Bishop, MA

Soul Heart Entertainment


BLOG: https://soulheartentertainment.blogspot.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulHeartEntertainment/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulheartentertainment/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamieallenbishop/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jamieabishop/

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/soulheartentertainment

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoulHeartEnter1

Website: http://www.soulheartentertainment.com/

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/JamieAllenBishopSoleReader